Ring-tailed lemur

Ring-tailed lemur


The ring-tailed lemur is one of the most iconic species of lemur out there. The name makes them very easily recognizable, with their long ringed tails, that they often proudly hold in the air. Their tails are around 2 feet long as adults, live about 16-19 years in the wild, and are indigenous to Madagascar. There is an estimated 2,000-2,4000 ring-tailed lemurs left on Madagascar, due to habitat loss. Deforestation, and illegal hunting for pet trade are the main causes, as well as a few droughts in 1991 and 1994 that caused a 31% drop in population, taking four years to recover. 

Ring-Tailed Lemur - New England Primate Conservancy

Being the most populous species of primate in Madagascar, lemurs overall play a crucial part in spreading seeds through the food they eat. Their diet consists of leaves, fruit and insects, and they live in social groups of 25-30. Without lemurs, Madagascar would surely lose a lot of its biodiversity, especially in its plant life. The island is home to many indigenous animals and plant life, including lemurs, fossa, aye ayes and 2/3 of all chameleon species! Don't forget the hundreds of spiders, dragonflies and butterflies, and the six of 8 species of the iconic baobab trees.

Ring-tailed Lemur Facts | CRITTERFACTS

Current conversation efforts look pretty good for lemurs overall. They aren't uncommon in zoos, and they seem to adapt to new environments well, meaning breeding in captivity is relatively successful. Deforestation efforts are in play, but need help.

Ways you can help include:
  • Donate to the lemur conservation network
  • Spread the word online! The more people that know the better!
  • Celebrate world lemur day on the last Friday of every October! (October 29)
  • Visit the Duke Lemur Center in North Carolina, or even better, Madagascar!
  • Lower your carbon footprint. Madagascar is at extreme risk of climate change!
  • Don't buy rosewood. It is an endangered species of tree in Madagascar, despite it being illegal to harvest
10-Day Magical Madagascar Journey | trip.me



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